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LadyBlue's Riddles

I never was, am always to be,
No one ever saw me, nor ever will
And yet I am the confidence of all
To live and breathe on this terrestrial ball
Who am I?

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At night we come
Without being fetched,
And by day we are lost
Without being stolen
Who are we?

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I am the beginning of eternity
And the end of time and space
I am the beginning of every end,
And the end of every place
What am I?

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Take me out and scratch my head
I am now black but once was red
What am I?

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When I am open, I am closed
When I am closed, I am open?
What am I?

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I am always caught,
Yet never thrown
I am always given,
Yet never owned.
What am I?

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While I am sought, there is hope
When I am found, there is joy
Find too much of me, there is despair
What am I?

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Twelve white ponies,
On a red hill,
Always moving,
But standing still.
What are we?

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Remove my outside
Cook my inside
Eat my outside
Throw away my inside
What am I?

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I can run, but never walk
I have a mouth, but never talk
I have a head, but never weep
I have a bed, but never sleep
What am I?

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I have keys with no locks
I have space with no room
You can enter, but can't go in
What am I?

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Born Motherless and Fatherless,
Into this world without a sin
Made a loud roar as I entered
And never spoke again
What am I?

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Through wind and rain I always play,
I roam the earth, yet here I stay;
I crumble stones, and fire cannot burn me;
Yet I am soft- you can gouge me with your hand.
What am I?

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There is a thing that nothing is,
And yet it has a name.
It's sometimes tall and sometimes short,
Joins our talks and joins our sports,
And plays at every game
What is it?

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I am the black child of a white father
Wingless, flying even to the clouds of heaven
I give birth to tears in pupils that meet me
On my birth I am dissolved into air
What am I?

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I cannot be seen, cannot be felt,
Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt.
I lies behind stars and under hills,
And empty holes I fill.
I came first and follow after,
I end life and kill laughter
What am I?

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Author: LadyBlue
Copyright © 1997-2005 BlueGalaxy Org. All rights reserved.
Revised: June 10, 2005